31 March 2015

Self Portrait Runes: Fehu

I've decided to start a new project. One that's going to be continuous and evolving.
The project shall be titled Self Portrait Runes.

I'm rarely in front of a camera, I don't find myself as beautiful as the people I photograph. And so, this project is going to involve self portraits, to help me love myself more and represent stages in my life.
Every three months or so, maybe more, maybe less, I'm going to take a self portrait. Where do the runes come in? Well, I'm going to pick a rune I feel represents me at that particular moment in my life. As time goes on I imagine the runes will change, or if a rune hasn't changed, how it relates to me will have.
For my first self portrait I chose the rune Fehu.

Fehu: Cattle

Phonetic equivalent: F

Literal Meanings:
Cattle, (Moving) Wealth.

Divination Meanings:
Prosperity, Money, Wealth, Concern with physical and financial needs, Goals, Promotion, Self-esteem


Fehu is both the day-to-day reality of our lives and the catalyst that awakens us to what lies beyond. It is whatever we think we are seeking, which frequently bears no resemblance to what we will eventually find. It is also our home, for after all our wanderings we will still need to attend to our physical needs and ground ourselves in the simple pleasures of home, family, and good work. -Runestones

I chose Fehu because I feel that I'm waiting for the future to arrive. With my focus being on the RAW exhibition lately, I am not grounded. My day to day life is for the exhibition, and the exhibition is for what might come afterwards; more exposure, more jobs, and ultimately more money. That is what I am focusing on right now.
I feel that once the exhibition is over, then things will settle. But I know I will just continue looking further into the future, and I must ground myself, I cannot wait for it to happen all of a sudden. And Fehu will help me ground myself again.

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